

20170711 The IBA-VIAC Mediation and Negotiation Competition 2017

An event with a sole focus on Consensual Dispute Resolution that facilitates the development and practice of mediation and negotiation skills for students of law, business and other fields.
With universities from, among many others, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, the Czech Republic, Germany, India, Lebanon, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States and students from law, business, diplomacy, political science, art history and economics a talented, diverse and truly global body of students have competed for 4 days in Vienna.

Adler Mediation Offices participated with two experts

Seventy professionals from 25+ jurisdictions across the world were bringing their experience and expertise from their work in governments, law firms, academia, mediation institutions, negotiation training companies and as mediator sand negotiators themselves.

Ako djeca roditelji kupiti tvrtku

"I više i više sinova i kceri kupiti njihove roditelje od operacije, ne samo na papiru, ali je tržišna cijena." Kaže, za sustav trener Peter Adler, problem je donio preokret. Ono što se cinilo nezamislivim tek prije nekoliko godina, sada cini trecinu svojih klijenata s obiteljskih poduzeca: Nasljednik platiti ukupnu vrijednost rada s roditeljima na rate, nego se daju tvrtke. To bi bracu i sestre koji još nisu preuzeli, ne osjecam dodu prekratak. I kupnju staviti jasan signal osnivaca da su vani. Adler preporucuje da na pocetku 'kao opipljiv znak' gotovini iznosa od deset do 20 posto kupoprodajne cijene teci roditeljima.